Sunday, October 4, 2020

Unexpected Changes and a visit to the ER!

A lot happened this week... There were a lot of ups and downs. They had a really great discussion with the guy they met in the park last week, and Elder Milne feels like this guy will really progress, but they will probably have to turn him over to the YSA elders, so that is a bummer. He also said that they met with a guy that was in the Air Force. Ty said he was really intense, and a little bit crazy, but that he (Ty) was really humbled by the experience of teaching him, because he realized he needed and deserved to be taught about the gospel of Jesus Christ. They also called a guy to offer to teach him more about Jesus Christ. They guy seemed genuinely interested in meeting with them, but when they met with him, all he wanted to do wash to Bible Bash with them. He calmed down, and started to listen to what they were saying and was able to find some common ground, however, he said he didn't think he would ever be able to believe in Joseph Smith. They left it at that, but then he called them back and scheduled another appointment, so they are not sure quite what to expect. Then the craziest thing that happened is that Jerry's daughter Megan called Ty and confessed that she is in love with him. This made things very awkward, so Ty called his mission president and explained the situation. The mission president then determined that it would be best if Ty was transferred. On top of this, Ty's companion, Elder Dobbs, decided he needed to go back home to work some things out. So now, Elder Milne has been transferred to Mission Veijo, he is still the district leader, and now he has a new companion. He is from Houston, TX, has been serving for about six months, and speaks fluent Spanish, so Ty is really excited about this. Ty is still the district leader, but this area is brand new. They are starting from ground zero. He stated they will work very closely with the ward leaders and the ward members to do what they can to find people to teach, but to also spend considerable time strengthening the members. Ty is feeling a bit overwhelmed - things happened so quickly, but he is at peace where he is at, and he knows the Lord's hand is in all of this. He hated to leave the members and investigator friends behind in his last area, but he is so grateful for the blessings he received there, and the miracles he witnessed. The first night in their new area, a member brought some shrimp tacos over to them. His companion had an allergic reaction to them, and they ended up in the emergency room, once there, they both started throwing up like crazy - they also had food poisoning. UGH! What a way to start off! I reminded him of his partriarchal blessing and how it counsels him to not worry whether or not he has the abilities to accomplish what has been laid before him, but to simply put his hands forward, trusting in God and relying on the power of the priesthood in his life, and he will be able to accomplish the great events that are laid out before him now and in the future.

Letter from Home:

Dear Elder Milne!

Happy P-Day! How's my favorite missionary doing this week? I hope this finds you happy and well! I can't wait to talk to you later today! Monday's have once again become my favorite day of the week, because I get to talk to you! I have time between 1-3 my time, then from 4:00 to 4:30, or any time after 5:30. Hopefully one of those times will work for you. I cannot believe how quickly the weeks are flying by. I hope they are for you as well.  I can't wait to hear all about your week. How is Elder Dobbs doing? I pray he is finding peace, and that the right solution has been found to his struggles. I have been praying extra hard for you and him this week. 

This week for me was really busy (as usual), but I absolutely love what I do. I love being a marriage and family therapist, and this week, I was able to witness some significant gains my clients are making. I am learning a ton too. In fact, the more I learn, the more I realize there is to learn, and I feel like there is not enough time in the day to learn everything I would like to. Most nights, I just have to shut my mind down and realize I had better get some sleep. It is all so exciting and interesting. I love to see the light turn on in my clients' eyes. It reminds me of when I was a missionary, and how the change in the people we were teaching was not only spiritual, but physical as well. You could truly see it in their countenances. I love these words from Alma 5:14: And now behold, I ask of you, my brethren of the church, have ye spiritually been born of God? Have ye received his image in your countenances? Have ye experienced this mighty change in your hearts? ​It is truly awesome to witness this! Ty, you have His image in your countenance - you always have! That is why people are so drawn to you! What a precious gift you have! I am so happy you are willing to share this with others. Keep up the good work, and keep fighting the good fight! I know the Lord has his hand upon you, and you will continue to be a mighty instrument in His hand. 

Everyone here seems to be doing fine. We are all busy doing our best to move forward in achieving our goals. The hardest part of all of this is being away from your dad. I miss him so much, and he is working so hard. I don't know how he does it day after day! He is such a blessing to all of our lives... None of what any of us do would even be possible if it wasn't for him and his hard work and dedication to his family. We are so blessed to have him in our lives. 

Yesterday (Sunday) was the first time we had relief society or priesthood in six months. It was via zoom, but it was wonderful nonetheless to see everyone. We also had online sacrament meeting. We get to go in person every other week, but the weeks we don't go, we can join via zoom. I am so excited for general conference this weekend. It will be wonderful to hear what our leaders have to tell us - how blessed we are to have a prophet and apostles today! 

Well Ty, I look forward to visiting with you later today! I sent you a package - it will hopefully be there for you today. It's not much, but I wanted you to know we were thinking of you on your birthday. I included a cake mix and some frosting. If you don't want to make the cake, you can use them for homemade oreos. Use the cake mix, 2 eggs, and 1/2 C of oil. Mix these together and then roll small balls and place them on the cookie sheet. Bake them at 350 degrees for around 7-10 minutes, or until they start to crack on top. After they cool, you can put some frosting in the middle and you have oreos!  Have fun!

Love you so much!!!



Letter from Elder Milne:

Loved this mom! Thank you so much for another great letter. I look forward to reading these, every week. I'm glad that you're loving your work and counseling others. I know those you talk with love you and are blessed for the light you bring to their lives. Dad is a machine; idk how he does it. I know that he loves us and that keeps him motivated - what a blessing to have him. I hope you guys will be with each other soon. I'm excited to talk with you. It's been a crazy week. Kinda mind blown right now. Love you mom! Talk to ya soon!

Baptismal Date, Birthday, and Wedding Day!

 This week, Elder Milne reports was a decent week. They had seven nonmember lessons, and a few ward member lessons. The great news is, Jerry's daughter Megan received permission from her mother to be baptized. The date is scheduled for October 24th. Her dad will baptize her. Elder Milne also expressed his excitement for the upcoming General Conference, and their church services can resume in the building on October 11th. He also shared that his district is doing very well and that every companionship has a baptism on the calendar. Their investigator friend, Leo, ghosted them, which is sad because he has a family that can really benefit from the blessings of the restored gospel. They were also able to reconnect with their investigator friend who is in a wheelchair. She had gone quite some time not returning their calls, but she finally did. They had a really great discussion with her as they read John 14 and highlighted God's love for all His children and the importance of going to church. However, even though she committed to going to church, she didn't show up. Such are the ups and downs of missionary life. Ty also mentioned that his greenie companion Elder Dobbs is struggling quite a bit with various issues, and asked if we would keep both of them in our prayers. He talked to his companion about Alma the Younger and his experiences, the conversion of the Apostle Paul, and the importance of choosing to repent instead of to perish as we read in Alma 13. He hopes Elder Dobbs can hang in there and discover what is best for him in order to continue his progression. Ultimately, the mission president will decide. Elder Milne reports being happy but exhausted, and he feels like they are being blessed in their teaching and finding efforts.

Letter from Home:

Dear Elder Milne (Ty, my favorite missionary and youngest son),

 Happy 20th birthday on Saturday! I hope you were able to do something fun and exciting to celebrate, even if it was only for a few minutes. I have a gift for you, but it will not be there today. I wasn't able to get it in the mail in time for the two-day delivery for today. Anyhow, I thought about you all day, and missed you like crazy. At least we had the life-sized cutout of Elder Milne to give us some comfort and a bit of a feeling that you were there with us on Carter and Carley's special day. Everyone loved seeing your handsome face, and hopefully you received a few emails giving you some happy birthday love! The temple sealing, dinner, and open house were wonderful. What a special day it was filled with family, friends, and especially love. The temple sealing was my favorite part. It was so wonderful to be back in the temple. The Spirit there was incredible. I thoroughly enjoyed the words that were spoken prior to the actual sealing. The sealer told Carter and Carley that the only advice they would ever need to have a happy and successful marriage and family was to listen to the words of the covenant they were entering into and to live them throughout their lives. It is amazing to me how these simple truths cover everything we need to do and become in order to have peace and joy in this life and to return to the presence of our Heavenly Father. I am so grateful for the wonderful gift we have of being sealed as husband and wife for eternity and for the unmatched blessing of having our children born under that covenant as well. The sealer in the temple reminded us that the most important room in the temple is not the celestial room, but it is the sealing room. This is where the most important ordinance we participate in takes place. This is what binds us to our families and to our Heavenly Parents for Eternity. This is what we are all here trying to accomplish. It is so important that we do all we can to live up to the covenants we make in the temple. This is truly the only thing that is of worth in this life, and this is from where all the blessings that matter flow. Remember, you are serving a mission to bring souls unto Christ, to prepare them to receive the ordinance of baptism, but most importantly, to prepare them to receive the ordinances of the temple. There are very specific blessings that come only through making and keeping the covenants of the endowment and of celestial marriage. This morning in my personal study, I came across a list of the covenants we make with God and the blessings he promises in return. I will attach those pages to this email. It is a great review and resource to have.

 How are you today Ty? How did your week go? Today, I am happy but exhausted. It was a whirlwind weekend, and I'm still trying to recover. But it was such a blessed weekend. I am so happy for Carter and Carley - they literally just participated in the most important thing they can do in this life. At the end of the sealing ceremony, the sealer had Carter and Carley stand at the head of the altar and look into the eternity mirrors. He had them look to the right and told them that this view represented their ancestors, all those who had come before them since the beginning of man. He told them to reflect on them and to thank them for all they had done to prepare the way for them to be where they are today. He then had them turn to the mirror on the left and this represented their future posterity, and how what they had chosen to do today would affect generations to come and that their posterity would someday look back and call them blessed for the righteous decision they had made. It was really neat.

 How are your investigator friends doing this week? How was church this week? How is your district doing? How is Elder Dopp doing? Is there anything specific that you need? I can't wait to talk to you today! As we get more pictures from the wedding photographer, I will send them to you. In the meantime, I will send you the few that I have. I love and miss you so much Ty, but you also know that there is no place I'd rather you be. Just remember this week and moving forward as a missionary, there is no better way to combat the evil of this world than bearing down in solemn testimony of the plain and precious truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Defending these truths with our own testimonies is what won the war in Heaven, and so it is the same here - we must fight against evil by countering it with truth! We must never be ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and we must never fear that it will offend. For in reality, it is only these truths that can save us and heal us.

 Love you to infinity and beyond!!!


Letter from Elder Milne:

This was wonderful Mom! Thank you so much - I'm so blessed to have you and our Family. Sounds like Saturday was an amazing day - very excited to talk to you today! A lot has happened. I won't write everything that happened, so we can talk more haha

Love you so much!


Letter from Blaine:

Greetings Elder Milne,

It’s Sunday night and I am getting ready to hit the hay.  The weekend was filled with Carter and Carley’s temple wedding and reception.  It turned out really nice.
Dallin, Hayley and I flew in from Florida and New Mexico respectively and I think we all travelled safely.  The dinner and reception was well received by all who attended.
Kim and Mike, Glenda and Scott and Kayden came from my side of the family.
Jennifer Weaver who is married to Chris Weaver who is Kim’s partners at Pizza Factory, catered the dinner.  It was really nice of Jennifer to help serve the food throughout the evening.  The wind was blowing pretty good early in the afternoon in Cedar city, but during the dinner it died down and was calm.

Everyone is working extremely hard right now in your family.  Each one of us are striving for some long-range goals.  It is amazing to see everyone at task.
Keely is in her first year of medical school at the university of Utah medical school.  Kim says she likes it. Zack too is there in her class.
It’s amazing that Kim and Mike have two kids in the 1st year of medical school in the same class at the prestigious University of Utah medical school. This is a miracle.

Well, Happy 20th birthday to you. I hope you had a good day.  There are many great things in store for you, keep your chin up.  It will all work out.


Dad Milne

Letter from Elder Milne:

Sounds like y'all had an amazing weekend Dad. Very happy to hear everything is going well! Sad, I missed it, but things are going well here. We put someone on Date for baptism last night, so I'm excited for that. October will be a good month. Very cool that Keely and Zack are both at the U - very neat. Thanks for reaching out and for the kind words. I'm beyond blessed to have you and our family. Have a great week dad! Love and appreciate you!


Working hard, feeling tired, and enjoying the blessings of the Spirit!

This week Elder Milne reports he spent most of the week calling people - he said he and his companion called every ward member so they could setup appointments. They also called people from their area book who had had an interest in learning more about the gospel in the past. He was able to get through to five nonmembers, and setup appointments with them. He says he loves calling and talking to people on the phone (something he never thought he would enjoy). He says those they contacted have some potential for progressing for sure. He said on Saturday they were able to teach four member lessons. He loves working with the members. He really enjoys assisting them in strengthening their testimonies and challenging them to invite their friends to learn more. He said on Sunday they were teaching some zoom lessons at a park and as they were finishing up, a guy came up to them and started asking them questions. He was super interested in learning more, so they will refer him to the YSA missionaries because he is in that age group. Jerry invited them over for a steak dinner and they had a really good lesson with him and his daughter. She is really progressing, and they are hoping she can get permission from her mother to be baptized. They are praying specifically for this to happen. They also felt impressed to invite a less active member to join them at Jerry's, and the guy was so happy. They were able to administer the sacrament to him. They also had five investigator friends join them for church. They also had a nonmember family invite them over for dinner and then they joined them for church on Sunday. They are trying to work closer with the Elder's Quorum President and the Relief Society President, but with the whole COVID situation, it has been a bit tricky. They met with a new guy named Strauss this week. His friend is serving a mission and he was able to join them via Zoom for the lesson. This was a really cool experience, Ty taught him from John 14, and he told that before the lesson he was so tired, so he went into his room and knelt down and prayed to ask the Lord to give him the strength to go forward. He says that during the lesson it was amazing how the Spirit put into his mind the things to say and gave him the strength to teach an awesome lesson. They also went over Mosiah 2:41: And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it. Ty and his companion also are continuing to teach a man from Morocco named Azedeen. This week they taught him about the restoration of the gospel and the story of Joseph Smith. Ty said the Spirit was so strong, but it still doesn't seem to click with Azedeen regarding the importance of having the priesthood authority and a prophet of God back on the earth today. Azedeen does join them for church every Sunday, so maybe someday everything will click. Ty says he really loves training a new missionary and having more responsibilities. 

Letter from Home:

Dear Elder Milne,

Another week has come and gone. I hope it has been a good week for you. I pray you are happy and doing well. I am looking forward to talking with you later today to hear all about it. Dad is working in Farmington today, so he will be finished with his work shortly after 5:00, so maybe he will have time to jump on a call with you as well, if you are available at that time. I have availability at 1:00, 3:00, or 6:00 pm our time to talk. Hopefully, one of those times will work for you. How is everything going for you? How's your district of missionaries doing? How's Elder Dopp doing? How are your investigator friends doing? How are the ward members doing? But most importantly, how is Elder Milne doing? 

Yesterday in Sacrament Meeting the two elders serving in our area spoke. One was from Michigan, and he had been serving in Thailand before Covid hit, and now he has been reassigned here. He gave a really good talk on the blessings of service, and that it is through service that we most become like our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. The second missionary was from the Philippines. He had such a sweet and tender testimony. His English was pretty good, and he spoke plainly and humbly. He shared how the worst day of his life was when he graduated from kindergarten, because on this day his father passed away. He did not know his father had died until after the graduation and he returned home. Just before the graduation he kept looking for his parents, but they were nowhere to be found. Then it was time for the ceremony to begin, and still no parents. He said he was so sad, but when his teacher called his name and he went up to get his diploma, he looked out into the crowd and there he saw his dad smiling and waving at him. He said his dad was surrounded by light and was wearing a white polo shirt. He wondered why his dad didn't come up to him afterward to give him a hug and congratulate him - he said he remembers feeling so sad and confused. Then when he arrived home, he learned his dad had passed away. He then shared that his father investigated the church for five years before joining, and less than a year after his dad and family joined the church, his father passed away from lung cancer and leukemia. He then bore a powerful testimony of how through the Atonement of Jesus Christ he would not only see his father again, but they could be together as a family forever. He also remembers what a strength and comfort his ward family was during this time and moving forward. He then shared that his best friend was now serving a mission, and that he had just received letter from him, thanking him for the powerful influence he had been in his life. His friend had joined the church just a year before serving his mission, and he joined because of the Elder that spoke yesterday. The friend also sent the story that we have all heard called "I'll find you my friend." His friend told him that this was the two of them in the premortal world, and then he expressed how grateful he was that his friend had kept his promise to find him and share the gospel with him. It was a really great meeting. We are hoping to hear soon from the area authorities regarding when we can return to church full-time. It will be a blessed day. Last night as I took a basket of goodies to each of the sisters I minister too, I was reminded of how much I miss interacting with our ward family, and of the joy that comes from serving them. 


I found the original author of this story - it was originally written as a song. Here is the song and the account of how the song came about. What I love is that the song was inspired by the Holy Ghost, and thus it is a true story that so many of us can identify with, because truly, that is what we are all doing - searching to find those we promised we would help back home, because as they say in Spiderman - with great blessings come great responsibilities. Having the gospel in our lives is a great and privileged blessing, and along with it comes a great responsibility to not only live it, but to share it. 

There was this place called the pre-existence. 

Where we lived with our friends so dear 

A council was called and plans were made 

 Free agency is why we're here. 

Our Savior said,  

"Please find my lost sheep, and teach them and bring them home." 

I promised my Savior I'll find them, 

And teach them the way to go. 


I'll go and find you my friend, I'll help you. 

Our Savior's plan is the way. 

Please accept me when I find you 

And we'll be back with Him someday. 

Remember the worth of souls is great in the light and the sight of God. 

Look and search, 

And teach His sheep 

To find the Iron Rod. 


My time has come to teach the gospel. 

There are souls out there who are gold. 

The gospel of Jesus Christ rolls forth 

And this is what they need to be told. 

And if your joy be great with one soul 

You have taught and have brought unto me, 

How great will your heart be exalted 

To bring many unto me. 


I'll go and find you my friend, I'll help you. 

Our Savior's plan is the way. 

Please accept me when I find you 

And we'll be back with Him someday. 

Remember the worth of souls is great in the light and the sight of God. 

Look and search, 

And teach His sheep 

To find the Iron Rod. 

I'll find you there my friend. 

The true story behind the composition: 

"Throughout the years I have heard many rumors, stories and other amusing tales of how (I'll Find You My Friend") came to be.  I chuckle as I hear what has been passed around the church and would like to set the record straight.  I was preparing for my full time mission to Atlanta, Georgia in 1979 when my sister, Laurel Ann suggested I write a song for my farewell.  I responded with, "I don't know how to write a song.  You've got to be kidding!"  When it was her turn to prepare the family home evening lesson, she had the whole family write poetry.  The poetry that came out of our little family was incredible.  This gave me the confidence, and along with her encouragement I decided to try.  Laurel Ann's greatest belief is that "you can do anything you want, if you want to badly enough!" 

Laurel Ann also suggested calling Wanda West Palmer, composer of "Oh That I Were An Angel", who lived in Mesa to receive directions on how to even begin such a task.  When I called her she invited me to come to her home and she shared the secret for song writing with me.  She told me the key was just to PRAY--that Heavenly Father would work through me as an instrument in His hands to write down His words and music.  Two weeks before my farewell the music came as I was visiting in the home of Ray and Frances Rolph.  Frances asked me to play her piano and at that very moment I began composing the music for the song.  I left her home and went back to my home and was surprised that I could still remember the music that had come into my mind and out through my fingers.  The next morning, I awoke and went to the piano.  I could still remember the song that had come the night before through inspiration.  I had no lyrics yet but I began trying to create words for this music.  I worked for two weeks on lyrics but nothing came.  I guess I had faith that it would develop into a song because I even asked a close relative, Lynette Carling to sing it for my farewell. 

The day before the farewell, Lynette was to be at my home at 3:00 p.m. to rehearse the song which still had no lyrics.  She called me from the grocery store at 2:45 p.m. to tell me she was running a little late but that she was still coming over to practice.  I was about to tell her not to come when her child fell out of the grocery cart and she quickly hung up.  I thought. "she is going to be so disgusted when she drives all the way to my home and I have no song for her to sing."  I went to my room and began going over my notes for my talk when I read a story about two friends in the pre-existence.  One was being sent to an LDS home and one was going to be born to a mother in another part of the country and would know nothing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  After I read the story, I began to tingle; it was as if a surge of electricity was penetrating my soul.  I felt the Spirit of the Holy Ghost going through me so strongly and I knew this was the time to pray.  As I knelt beside my bed, I pled with the Lord to help me with lyrics.  Within a few minutes the lyrics flowed through my mind and I was finished before she arrived around 3:30 p.m. 

In 1985, George W. Dyer and Tina Brunsdale Wright recorded my album entitled, "I'll Find You My Friend."  Since the first publication, I'll Find You My Friend has been translated into twenty languages.  In 1987, a sequel to the first album was released entitled, I'll Find You My Friend Part II" with a song called "I Found You My Friend."  The vocalists for the recording are George W. Dyer, Lori Bowen Whittle, Keenan Kanahele and Lynette Vance Carling." 

-Linda Leavitt Hartman  


Anyhow Ty Guy, I hope you are having an amazing day! Do something fun and de-stressing today! Can't wait to talk to you later today! Love you to infinity and beyond!


Letter from Elder Milne:

Thank you, mom for another amazing email. I look forward to reading these each week. I love you. We had an interesting week but it turned out good! This week should be a busy one. Excited to talk to you I'll probably call 3 o'clock your time and can call at 6 too. Loved the story you shared, I'm very blessed to have this opportunity to serve. And so blessed to have an amazing family! Talk to ya later!

Letter from Blaine:

 Hello Ty

I just realized I needed to send you a email, so here I go.

I am sitting in Bloomfield between patients.
I will be changing offices here tomorrow.  They need me over in the Farmington office so my time up here will be changing to the Farmington office until further notice.

So I am getting a transfer tomorrow, just like you get sometimes. I have Buster with me. He is out in the truck bed in his kennel.
This is a hard go being separated from your mom.  I am so proud of her and what she has done.
May God bless her.  She has been simply amazing.

Well I better get back to work. I hope you are doing well.  Take some batting practice for me...



Letter from Elder Milne:

Thanks for reaching out dad. That's exciting about getting transferred to Farmington haha you're amazing Dad super grateful for your hard work. Your hard work motivates me to work hard too. Mom is incredible what a blessing shes been in our lives. Have a good week of work dad, I'll go hit the field 


Love Elder Ty Adams Milne



Saturday, September 12, 2020

Elder Milne is Now the District Leader

Wow! Two amazing weeks in a row. Elder Milne and his companion Elder Dopp are really being blessed. Some big changes this week. Ty is now the district leader, and they are no longer in a threesome. Today is Labor Day, and I am in New Mexico with Blaine. It was so awesome to be able to talk to Elder Milne together. Blaine and Ty had a long conversation, and Blaine had tears of joy streaming down his face many times. We have been so blessed having Ty on his mission. There is very little that compares to the spirit a missionary has. Ty looked so good, and again, he just glowed with the Spirit, and his excitement about missionary work is contagious. He reports they had another great week. He said the week felt long, but looking back, there were a lot of great things that took place. He and Elder Dopp were able to meet with Leo, his wife, and three kids. They shared John 14 with him, and then he joined them for church on Sunday. Ty also shared that the mission president shared with them that their mission has more baptisms on date than they have ever had in the entire history of the mission. Covid has made things extra difficult, but it certainly has not slowed the progress of God's children. Elder Milne also shared that they were able to teach Megan again, who is now 17, and she brought a non-member friend with her. They were also able to continue teaching the lady in the wheel chair who struggles with her reading, but her husband who used to be a member decided that he would help her by reading the Book of Mormon with her. This was a big surprise because he told the missionaries that he wants nothing to do with the church. So, they were really excited about that. Ty said that they also were able to have a lot of member lessons this week. He said at first it was really hard to come up with lessons for the members, but now he absolutely loves teaching them. He also said they did a lot of service this week at the food pantry and picking up trash. While serving at the food pantry they met two people who want to learn more about the gospel, so they are going to start meeting with them. For P-day, Ty and his district again had batting practice! He said it is a lot of fun. Elder Milne admonished us to watch Elder Holland's new video called The Miracle of Hope. It is an excellent video. This is one he has been sharing with members and nonmembers alike. It was so awesome visiting with Ty and Blaine both today. What a very special experience. It made my trip back to Utah much more bearable. 

Letter from Blaine:

Feliz Dia Trabajo,

¿Que pasa?

¿Como es tu la semana pasada?

¿Sigues hablando inglés?

¿Te gusta tu misión?

¿Te gusta Newport Beach, California misión mejor que Péru, Lima misión?

¿Estes contendo?

¿Que has aprendido en tu misión?

¿Ha crecido tu testimonio en tu misión?

You mom is here in Rio Rancho with me this weekend but is going back to Utah today. She has clients at 9am in the morning and needs to leave early this afternoon.

BYU is playing Navy on ESPN tonight and Dax Milne has been getting a lot of publicity on BYU sports nation lately.  They are going to highlight he and his parents this week on BYU Blue because his mom had been dealing with colon cancer. 
Dax Milne is a starting wide receiver and a junior this year.  His dad Darren Milne played ball with me at BYU and played for Detroit Tigers for a couple years.  Interestingly, Dax has a brother named Dallin.

Will you guys get to watch the game tonight?

Have you noticed any cute girls on your mission?

Or are they all homely there too?

Más tarde, hermano!

Con cariño,


Letter from Ty:

Que tal mi padre! Su español esta mejorando! Buen hecho. Mom told me that you'll be on the facetime today I'm excited to see ya! That's awesome about Dax milne, sad we won't be able to watch the game! We are missionaries - can't be doing that haha. I'm glad mom came down to spend some time. And there is a couple of 3 chicks, but I'm not too worried about it. I'll talk to you about everything else! Thanks for reaching out -  love you dad.

Letter from Home:

Good Morning Elder Milne!

How's my favorite missionary doing this week? How's my Ty Guy? Today I am writing you from our home in Rio Rancho. It has been wonderful spending a few days with your dad, but sadly, I have to go back to Utah today for another full week of seeing clients, classes, and school work. Life is good, but hard nonetheless. Each day I try to remind myself that the blessings of eternity are with the mortal wrestle, and I find that as I press forward in faith, God's hand becomes evident in all that I do and all that I am. He is ever mindful of each one us, and I am continually amazed at the little tender mercies he shows me each day. These tender mercies witness to me that He sees me, that He knows me, and that He is acutely aware that I am truly doing the best I know how, and despite my imperfections and short-comings (and especially my sins), He is there to bless me with all that I stand in need of. One of my greatest desires has become that everyone I meet and know will come to truly believe this for themselves, so they can recognize His constant love and daily care in their own lives. As I meet with my various clients throughout each week, it becomes quickly evident to me those who have learned this and those who have not. There are even those who were taught this eternal truth, but they have turned away from it, and it is so evident in their lives. They have truly been deceived by the adversary, and their resultant messy lives stand as a testimony of this. However, it is not my job as therapist to judge, criticize, or condemn, but to do as the Savior does - provide a safe space for them to explore the questions and answers of their lives and then provide them with love, encouragement, and most of all understanding. Only by doing this are they able to gain the courage and confidence to begin seeing the reality of their situations and commit to doing things differently by responding to the opposition they face in healthier and more functional ways. My goal with each patient is to treat them as the Savior does - He meets us where we are, sits with us in our pain, seeks to understand our hearts, and loves us unconditionally. This is the only way to truly motivate lasting change. It is truly a beautiful process to witness. Indeed, this is how we should treat all of God's children, especially ourselves. I have been doing some research on the power of self-compassion, and it is truly life changing. We as humans are so quick to offer compassion to those around us who need it, but are we willing and able to show compassion to ourselves? When we show compassion to others, we are blessed with the satisfaction that comes from lightening another's burden and showing unconditional love. When we receive compassion, it truly puts us back on our feet and gives us the strength to move forward with our lives. The beauty of self-compassion is we receive both of these blessings because we are both the giver and the receiver. I teach each of my clients this, along with what self-compassion looks like and how we show it to ourselves. This proves to be a very powerful tool they can use as they continue on their healing journey.

Anyhow, enough about all that! How was your week? I'm excited to hear all about it - the good, the bad, and the ugly - LOL! How are your investigator friends progressing? How is your newly baptized member doing? How were the service projects you engaged in? How are things going as a trainer and with your companions? I pray for you constantly throughout the day, and you are in my heart always. 

Everyone back home seems to be doing okay. We are getting excited for Carter and Carley's sealing. It will truly be a beautiful experience. They have patiently waited, and they have truly worked hard to be as prepared as possible to be sealed in the house of the Lord. I am super excited to return to the temple. It has been way too long! The blessings of the temple are so important to me, and I have missed being able to attend regularly. I love the temple. I love the lessons of eternity that are taught there. I love the endowment we receive for ourselves and others and how this endowment teaches us how to receive the gift of the atonement of Jesus Christ. Indeed, this is what the endowment truly is - the gift of the Savior's atonement. At the end of the day, when all is said and done, this is truly the only thing that matters. We have so many distractions in our daily lives that take us away from this precious and vital truth. The keeping of our temple covenants is what truly blesses our lives and provides us with the strength, courage, and safety we so desperately need. When we die, this is truly the only thing that matters - did we keep our covenants we made in the temple, because the bottom line is, these covenants were given as the gifts that guide us back to our Heavenly Father. As a missionary, our mission president always told us, that baptism is important, but our real goal as missionaries was to prepare individuals and families to receive the blessings of the temple. Baptism is just the beginning. Perhaps this is something you can keep in mind as well. Baptism sets them on the path to Eternal life, but the making and keeping of our temple covenants is what qualifies us for eternal life. And the beauty of all this is that we don't have to wait for eternity to partake of these promised blessings. Doing our best to make and keep our temple covenants will bless us during this life in countless ways. The biggest being peace and joy.

Well, I've said enough. I hope all is well. Take care of yourself Ty, and know you are loved more than you can comprehend. Work hard, play hard, and pray harder!

All My Love,


Letter from Ty:

Thank you for the sweet email mom! I love all that you said. A ton has happened this week, I'm excited to talk to you about it. I love you so much - thank you for your love and your amazing words. I am so lucky to have you as my mom. 



Faith, Hard Work, and Endurance Pays Dividends

 This week was the week every missionary dreams of. First and foremost, they had a baptism. She is the wife of a member, and her husband baptized her. Elder Milne spoke at the baptism about the First Vision. He said he hasn't felt the Spirit that strong since his very sacred experience at the MTC when he prayed to know if the Book of Mormon was true. He said everyone in attendance had tears in their eyes. The baptism was also live streamed via Zoom, and they had many missionaries and nonmembers watching as well. After the talk, the bishop came up to Ty and told him his talk was amazing, and how grateful he was that the Spirit so strongly testified to the truth of what he was saying. This same day was also Elder Dopp's birthday. What a wonderful way for a greenie missionary to celebrate his birthday in the mission field. All of the missionaries watching the baptism said how wonderful the entire service was and that their nonmember friends were very touched by it. The next day (Sunday), they held a Sunday School meeting on Zoom, and they had several nonmembers in attendance. One of them was a man named Leo. He was someone Ty had contacted on the telephone as part of going through the area book and contacting old contacts. Leo really enjoyed the meeting, and they are super excited to begin teaching him and his family. He has several kids. That night they met with Jerry and his daughter Megan again, and Megan told them she wants to be baptized. Ty was also able to give her a blessing in her car (LOL). On P-day this week, the entire zone met at the baseball field, and Ty threw them all batting practice. I sent him a bucket of balls, his bat, and a couple of mitts, along with some sunflower seeds and Big League Chew. He said they had so much fun. During his phone call, he was happier than I have ever seen him. He literally glowed with the Spirit. I told him that this week was a result of all of the hard work and endurance he and his companions have exhibited over the past several weeks. There were so many moments of discouragement, but they kept pressing forward, and chose to continue to put their faith in God and trust that the work they were trying to do would somehow amount to something. I told him that had he quit and come home during those difficult days, he would have never experienced this incredible joy that he is feeling today because of the amazing baptismal service and the events that took place on Sunday. How very blessed he and his companions are. Thank you Heavenly Father for blessing Elder Milne with an abundance of they Spirit and with the knowledge and testimony that thou art very mindful of him and his companions. My mamma heart is so happy. 

Letter from Blaine:

Hola El élder Milne,

Hola, mi nombre es Blaine. Yo estudio Espanol en la manana y yo trabajo en officina dentista en el tarde. Mi ayudante de dentista habla Espanol.  Yo practico Odontologia con mi ayudantes de dentista. Ellos hablan rapidamente.  Yo no hablo rapidamente.
Mi ayudantes de dentista hablan Espanol y Inglès. Daniel, mi ayudante de dentista toca la guitarra. En la oficina de dentista, nosotros escuchamos  a la musica cuando nosotros trabajar.
Yo practico Odontologia en mi oficina en la manana y el tarde con Dr Stewart y Dr Jensen quién habla Espanol y Inglés. Ellos practico Odontologia muy bien. Yo llevo uniforme quirurgico con yo trabajar en mi pacientes dental.
A veces mi hijos Dallin y Carter practica odontologia en la escuela de odontologia. Ellos estudian odontologia en su escuelas.

Did you understand mi carta?

I noticed where Peru extended their state of emergency and quarantine with curfew another 30-90 days.  Maybe you won’t make it back to Peru in time before your mission ends.

Don’t worry though. It sounds like you are moving forward on your mission there in Newport Beach.

Are you in the same area or did they move you recently? Are you still in an English speaking area? Any chance at speaking Spanish there?  Any areas in that mission that is Spanish?

I was given a Spanish workbook from a patient and I am learning a few things.  That is why I wrote you the above letter in Spanish to help me work on it.

Hope you are holding up. You are very lucky to have such a good mom and brothers to help you with your mission.  Use their help and experience to aid you in your efforts.

Take care


Letter from Ty:

Buen hecho mi padre su español esta mejorando. Etendì todo de su carta. Keep practicing haha! Yeah peru isn't doing good at all, we'll see if anything changes by 2021. But I'm doing good here I had a great week. I am in the same area. Speaking English, I am training a new missionary so it's been good for me. We just had a baptism on Saturday which was awesome. I'll have mom tell you about it later. 

Dad thanks for reaching out love hearing from you. Thanks for working hard I pray everyday that the Lord will strengthen you. Love and appreciate all you for me. Would love to facetime you soon. Have a good week

Letter from Home:

Dear Elder Ty Adams Milne,

How's my favorite missionary and youngest son doing today? I hope this email finds you happy and well and is able to convey the deep love that I have for you in a way that you can truly feel it. I love and miss you so much Ty, but you also know there is no place I'd rather you be at this time in your life. My heart thrills when I reflect on the tremendous growth you are experiencing and how your relationship with Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost is becoming even more precious to you. It truly is an awesome thing to witness, and I am so grateful you have made this choice to serve your Savior and your fellowmen. You have been blessed with a kind, loving, and compassionate heart, and because of this, you will bless so many lives. Because of this fallen world that we live in, everyone experiences pain and suffering, so if you treat each person as if he or she has a broken heart, you will not be wrong. The more I learn about people, the more I recognize that we all have a basic human need to be seen - to have our suffering acknowledged and validated and to be valued for who and what we are. Only the Savior and His infinite atonement can truly mend broken hearts, but hearts cannot heal if they cannot accept the Savior into their lives. That is our number one job in this life - to bring souls unto Christ, and not just so they can be baptized, but so they can experience His love, succoring, and healing. Gathering scattered Israel is a mission of love and healing.

How did your baptism go? I pray everything went well, and I sent up extra love, thoughts, and prayers for you and all those involved. What a wonderful thing to be a part of! I can't wait to hear all about it. What an amazing privilege you missionaries have to administer this saving ordinance to those who desire it. How awesome it is that you have been given this authority to baptize and bestow the gift of the Holy Ghost. Baptism is the gate to eternal life, and it puts us on the path back to our Heavenly Home. This path is not easy and is full of distractions, temptations, pain, and suffering, so that is why the gift of the Holy Ghost is so vital to our journey. Can you imagine how lost we would all be if we didn't take the Spirit as our guide, if we didn't have his comforting influence, and if we didn't have His witness of the truthfulness and divinity of Christ and His gospel? How blessed we are to have this very sacred gift as members of Christ's Church. Our relationship with the Spirit is vital to our success and very existence. How grateful I am for the Holy Ghost. I truly believe that this gift for most of us is highly underutilized. We need His teaching, guidance, peace, and influence today more than ever. There are so many compelling voices that echo in our ears each day - we need to be able to decipher truth from error, and that is where He comes in. President Nelson has promised us that as we read from the Book of Mormon each day, we will have the Holy Ghost with us, and we will not be deceived. This is an incredible promise, and one I think about often. I love the Book of Mormon with all my heart, and I am so grateful for its powerful teachings and its sacred witness that Jesus is the Christ. A few days ago, I was reading in 3 Nephi 17. This has always been one of my favorite chapters in the Book of Mormon because of the experience shared about Christ and the children and how precious they are to Him. I was truly moved this time of reading it because of the compassion he has, not just for the children, but for all of them. If you think about it, just prior to His coming, there was great destruction throughout all the land. Entire cities were destroyed by earthquakes, fires, whirlwinds, etc.. Countless lives were lost, and homes and places of business were destroyed. Then to make things worse, there were three days of complete darkness - so dark, that there could not even be a fire lit. There literally was no light - just complete darkness. The people that survived that were in the land of Bountiful gathered to the temple (which is significant in and of itself). Surely, they were seeking comfort and peace there, and that is when the Savior appeared. In Chapter 17 we read how he gathered the little children and then He prayed, and not only did He pray, but He wept for them. Think of how frightening all of this death, destruction and darkness must have been for them. He truly recognized this, prayed for these precious children, and wept with them. He knew their pain and suffering, and He knew how to heal it. He showed the highest form of compassion - acknowledging their pain and suffering, sitting with them in it, and then weeping with them. As a therapist and also the times I have been a client in therapy, I have come to realize how powerful and healing it is to acknowledge and validate someone's suffering, sit with someone in their pain, and then weep with them. It is truly a beautiful gift we can give to others, and your precious heart is so capable of doing this Ty - it is one of your greatest gifts.

I love you Ty, and I am so proud of you and your efforts to work hard as a missionary and to serve your Savior. It is the greatest privilege in the world, and nothing compares to it. I know that your situation right now is not ideal, but I also know that our Heavenly Father is mindful of you and all of His missionaries. He will send an added measure of comfort and strength if you will but receive it. I can't wait to hear from you today! Love you to the moon and back and to infinity and beyond!


Letter from Ty:

Thank you so much for the sweet letter mom. You always know exactly what to say to me. I love you so much. I had a fantastic week, I'm excited to tell you all about it. It's awesome you mentioned 3rd nephi 17, I read that chapter earlier this week and loved it. I made a member lesson out of it. To start out we'd ask what is their favorite name that Jesus Christ has, like savior and redeemer and why? We had some great lessons with this, and the spirit is always there. I then shared that my favorite is Healer. We then read verse 7 with them. "Have ye any that are sick among you? Bring them hither. Have ye any that are lame, or blind, or halt, or maimed, or leprous, or that are withered, or that are deaf, or that are afflicted in ANY manner? Bring them hither and I will heal them, for I have compassion upon you; my bowels are filled with mercy." I love how it says afflicted in any manner, because he connects and heals us in any way. We then ask them if there is someone in their life that needs the healing of the savior and what they can do to reach out to them. Christ has healed my broken heart and has brought me so much peace. Especially in the mission field. Love you mom; can't wait to talk to ya! 

New Companion and Elder Milne's a Trainer!!

 Elder Milne and his companions had some changes this week. One of the Elders was transferred, and they had another Elder join them. His name is Elder Dopp. He is from Ogden, Utah and is a greenie. Elder Milne has been called as a trainer by his mission president. They are still in a threesome, but his other companion is the district leader, so he is busy with that. This past week was quite frustrating for Elder Milne and his companions. The work was slow and nothing remarkable really happened. Ty said that he prayed really hard throughout the week, and he told Heavenly Father that he didn't come on a mission for his own personal growth, he came to serve His son Jesus Christ and to teach His gospel. There were a couple of highlights this week that kept him going. He and his companions have been meeting with a recent convert of just over a year each Sunday. His name is Jerry, and the bishop meets with them as well. Jerry said he spent over forty years searching for the true church, and he is so happy he found it. He used to be a comedian, and he has also done character voice work for Disney. This week Jerry brought his 16-year-old daughter because she wants to start learning more about the church. Her mom is not too supportive of this, but they are all praying that she will have a change of heart. Ty said the Spirit there was very strong, and he is hopeful that they will be able to teach Jerry's daughter. They also had some really spiritual member lessons this week, and Ty has learned the importance of strengthening the members, especially during these difficult times. He and his companions are finding that many of the members are not partaking of the sacrament regularly or participating in the Come Follow Me curriculum. So, they challenge the members to re-engage in these things that their lives might be blessed and strengthened. Ty says that these member experiences have been what has kept him going. He says that it is often hard to feel like a missionary due to the restrictions placed on them, but after their experiences with the members this week and feeling the Spirit so strong with them, He says that this is what keeps him going. He reports he loves feeling the Spirit, and recognizes the rejuvenation he experiences every time the Spirit is present.

Here are this week's letters:

Letter from Blaine:

Hi Ty
This is a great article written about a BYU baseball player. He was Keaton’s teammate in 2019.
It shows us why we should never give up and helps motivate us in times of disappointment and even health problems. He is not a member of the church but because of this experience with the BYU baseball team he says he loves BYU.
I thought this article could help you see many things pertaining to your mission and plan in life.

Love and think of you


Letter from Ty: Thank you for sharing this dad! I'll have to read it at the church later. Hope you have a good week love you 

Letter from Home:

Dear Elder Milne (Ty)!

 How's my favorite missionary and youngest son today? I hope this email finds you happy and well. I am very happy this morning because last night we had a wonderful rain storm that we have needed for so long. It was definitely a flash flood, and the improvements on Main Street worked because there was no flooding (at least not for us). Bishop Smith texted at about 10:30 last night just to make sure we were staying dry. I am so thankful to Heavenly Father for sending rain in abundance. Southern Utah needed it so badly!

 Yesterday was a wonderful Sabbath day. At 1:00, we had a nice dinner at Grandma Susan's to celebrate Aunt Nanette's 55th birthday. Grandma and Raymond were there along with Nanette, Randy, Carter, Carley, Shelly, and myself. I made all the food - sweet pork burritos, salad, and fruit. Then we had cake and ice cream for dessert. We had a wonderful visit and spent a lot of time laughing and sharing funny memories. We had to leave around 3:30 to drive to Cedar City to Carley's mom's house. Deb also fed us! We enjoyed a yummy spaghetti dinner. Abby was there and Craig. Abby said to tell you hello! We then spent a couple of hours planning Carter and Carley's wedding dinner and reception. We are all very excited, but we will miss not having you here. I am going to order a life-size cutout of you so you can stand in the line and say hello to everyone and they can all wish you a happy birthday!

 When I returned to St. George, I drove over to Jaclyn's to feed her cat. Jaclyn is in the hospital with congestive heart failure. She has been in there since Wednesday evening. I'm not sure when they will let her come home. She is doing better, but they are having a hard time getting her heart to slow down and stabilizing. The doctors are doing some sort of shock therapy on her heart today, so hopefully that will do what they want it to do.

 This week I start back to school. I'm somewhat excited, but mostly just to get it over with. I will have one class on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 2:30 - 5:00. I am seeing between 10-13 clients a week as well. I really love being a therapist! I just want to keep getting better at it. There are so many people with so many problems out there. 

 Last night I was reading in 3 Nephi, and I came to my favorite chapter - chapter 11. I love this chapter for so many reasons, but mostly because it serves as another powerful witness that Jesus is the Christ. Old Testament prophets saw Christ and conversed with Him, New Testament prophets and apostles spent their days with Him being taught by Him and witnessing miracle after miracle, and of course, stood as witnesses of the greatest miracle of all - His resurrection! And now we have the witness of the Book of Mormon that testifies of His resurrection as well. We have these three powerful ancient records to testify of the divinity of Jesus Christ and his gospel, and now we also have the modern witness of Joseph Smith - the First Vision and other experiences we read about in the Doctrine and Covenants - particularly D&C 76: The Prophet Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon saw the glory of Jesus Christ as He stood “on the right hand of the Father” (D&C 76:20). They saw “the holy angels, and them who are sanctified … , worshiping God” (D&C 76:21) and “heard the voice bearing record that [Jesus Christ] is the Only Begotten of the Father” (D&C 76:23). This remarkable experience led the two witnesses to declare, “After all of the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him: That he lives!” (D&C 76:22).

An apostle by the name of Elder Bruce R. Mckonkie used to ask congregations: "How do you prove that Jesus is the Christ?" The answer is - the resurrection. Then he would ask, "How do you prove the resurrection?" The answer is witnesses. You have the witnesses in the Old Testament, New Testament, The Book of Mormon, and Those who have seen Him in our day. The resurrection truly proves that Jesus Christ is indeed the Son of God, and that he was not just another great teacher or prophet. 

 Anyhow Ty, I love the gospel of Jesus Christ, and I love my Savior. I am so grateful for all that He has done for me and for all of mankind, and I am especially grateful at this time that you have chosen to be one of His special servants as a missionary, to declare His gospel and to testify of His Divinity. What a wonderful privilege this is. Do your best to remember this each day - It is He whom you represent! 

 Love you so much Ty, and I pray for you multiple times a day. I am so thankful for a loving Heavenly Father who constantly and consistently answers my prayers. We are so very blessed!

 Have a wonderful day and week!

 All My Love,


Letter from Ty:

Thank you for reaching out mom, I always love reading these! I'm glad y'all got some rain it's about time hahah! The dinner with everyone sounds awesome - glad y'all are able to spend time together. I'm so excited for carter and carley! You'll have to send me pictures of it all, and that's so silly about the cut out. I'll start praying for aunt Jaclyn; hopefully everything goes good with that! I'm glad you're staying busy with your clients - they are all lucky to have you. Loved your words about Christ. 3rd nephi 11 is also one of my favorites, the people of peru loved reading that chapter. We had a great dinner Saturday night w 3 member families there. Then we read some of 3rd nephi 11 and had a discussion and shared testimonies. It was great. We are very blessed to have this gospel and to have the help of our Savior in all that we do. My love for him and our Heavenly father has been the biggest motivator out here. Very grateful for you Mom and our amazing family. I will strive to represent us and Christ better this week!

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Catching Up!!

 I am going to use this one post to catch up with Elder Milne's awesome emails and experiences. Despite still being under restrictions on contacting people directly, Ty and his companions are finding ways to teach members and nonmembers alike. I love to hear Ty talk about how awesome it is to teach and feel the Spirit testify to the truthfulness of what they are teaching. He shared this past week that he had an incredible experience teaching an investigator friend about Alma the Younger and his conversion story, and how Ty felt the Spirit so strong that it felt someone had their arm around him the entire time. He said it was equal to the feeling he had experienced in the MTC to know if the Book of Mormon was true. He was on cloud nine, and he said he would be in Heaven if they could spend every hour of their days teaching about Jesus Christ and His restored gospel. Another super exciting thing is they have a baptism scheduled for August 29th, and everything with that is going as planned. They are also teaching a woman who's husband is a less active member that is very interested and progressing, and the young woman who came to the church and found the missionaries they had to give to the missionaries in the singles ward, but as soon as they did that, some other missionaries called with another referral for them. This referral is a man from Morocco. Ty has loved meeting with this man and teaching him. He has so many questions and keeps them on their toes. They are also meeting with a brand new member of the church every Sunday afternoon, and he brings his 16 year old daughter who is not a member. Ty and his companions have also had some wonderful experiences in members homes as they share spiritual messages and sometimes a meal. The members are only allowed to feed them on weekends, so this is a bit disheartening, however, they do schedule visits to share member messages throughout the week. Ty has realized how important it is to strengthen the members, especially during this time that attending church is not possible. He has been surprised at the number of members who are not regularly partaking of the sacrament in their homes, and he and his companions have been strengthening the members by sharing their testimonies concerning the importance of partaking of the Sacrament as often as possible. He has shared with several members the example of Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane with His apostles whom he asked to wait with him and they all fell asleep, and he asks them, "could you not wait with me one hour?" Ty compares this hour to spending an hour each week renewing our covenants and reflecting upon the Savior and His atonement while participating in the ordinance of the Sacrament. He said that as he shares this the Spirit is so strong and the members are really touched by this. He said he learned this example from an experience I shared on Dallin's mission blog. It was when Blaine and I were visiting Laguna Beach and we attended sacrament meeting there, and someone talked about this while sharing their testimony.

Elder Milne also received a new companion this past week. He is still with Elder Provencio, but Ty has been called to be a trainer by his mission president. His new companion is straight out of home MTC. We will find out more about him tomorrow. He is from Ogden, Utah. Here are some of the letters from the past few weeks:

Letter from Blaine:

Hello Elder Milne,

I hope this email finds you well.  I hope you have been able to find purpose for you being there.  I hope you have discovered the Lord’s reason for you being in the Newport Beach mission and how you can be of service to Him there.  If you haven’t yet, I am sure it is more than just giving you an assignment to serve. 
I hope you can get into the work and find joy in the journey.....this is the key to life...

I am positive this same thing holds true for missionary service even though I wasn’t wise enough to serve myself.

I started a story in your family search file for you.
I will have to write in it every so often so it can have some content.

Love you Ty and God bless you


Letter from Ty:

Hey, thanks for the message Dad. There is a purpose for me to be here. It's a good feeling teaching others the gospel. Just tough when we have days when we don't have anyone to teach. Just trying to stay positive and treating my companions like they're my brothers in battle. And that's nice of you to do that on family search. Love you dad - have a good week!

Letter from Blaine:

Buenas Dias TY,

I thought I better write you an email today.  I hope you are doing well.  You have now returned to the mission field for 1 full month.  


I hope you can get recharged to do the next month in the Newport Beach California mission.  You are so blessed to get this opportunity to bless people's lives.

I watched a cool movie last night.  At the end they put a scripture up.

Psalms 82: 3-4

3  Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy.

4  Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked.

It was a movie about a black woman and her daughter whose husband who was black died fighting for the Union in the Civil War and his soldier friend who was white promised him he would take care of his family when the war was over.  The black soldier died in this white Union soldier's arms on the battlefield.  

The movie is about this white soldier and how he went home and took care of this man's widowed wife and daughter and the struggle he had with the people around him keeping his promise.

It was a triumph in the end.

I think your mission has been full of struggles and disappointments, but you must have faith that in the end you will triumph.

"Keep your chin up" 



I thought of you and what you are doing at this time.


Letter from Ty:

Buenos dias mi padre

It's been a month, and I have learned a lot. It's been really good for me. I believe I've seen that movie, I don't remember the title, but it is great. Appreciate you writing dad, I always love hearing from you. This past week was good - we had a lot of success. Hope it continues. I've just kept in mind what our Prophet said to the youth about the gathering of Israel. How this is the mission I was sent to earth for and how this gathering should mean everything to us. That has been a motivator. Hope you have a good work week dad, sure appreciate all that you do. I hope you are taking time to pray and read your scriptures. If not, I invite you to apply that this week .

Love you Father, 

Elder Ty Adams Milne

Letter from Home:

Good Morning Ty,

I hope this finds you happy and well rested. I've been thinking a lot about our conversation on Saturday, and it reminded me of the many struggles I experienced as a missionary thirty years ago. So, then my mind went to "what helped me get through the more challenging times?" and I think it was this: During our premortal existence, our Heavenly Father presented His plan, and 1/3 of His children rejected it and chose to follow Satan. I know that He wept, and perhaps even we wept. Surely, we knew many of them. He also weeps when His children here on earth choose to not follow His plan. Our job here, just as it was there, is to make sure we do our part in sharing His plan with all of His children in hopes of reminding them of the choice they made long ago to follow our Heavenly Father's plan, which of course includes following our Savior Jesus Christ. In Jacob 5 we read about gathering scattered Israel, and so many times, when the Father witnesses His children not choosing his plan, He weeps. But within that chapter there are a few powerful verses that always kept me motivated: 

70 And it came to pass that the Lord of the vineyard sent his servant (YOU); and the servant went and did as the Lord had commanded him, and brought other servants; and they were few.

71 And the Lord of the vineyard said unto them: Go to, and labor in the vineyard, with your might. For behold, this is the last time that I shall nourish my vineyard; for the end is nigh at hand, and the season speedily cometh; and if ye labor with your might with me ye shall have joy in the fruit which I shall lay up unto myself against the time which will soon come.

72 And it came to pass that the servants did go and labor with their mights; and the Lord of the vineyard labored also with them; and they did obey the commandments of the Lord of the vineyard in all things. (Always remember that the Lord is laboring alongside of you - This is His work and He will help you succeed)

73 And there began to be the natural fruit again in the vineyard; and the natural branches began to grow and thrive exceedingly; and the wild branches began to be plucked off and to be cast away; and they did keep the root and the top thereof equal, according to the strength thereof.

74 And thus they labored, with all diligence, according to the commandments of the Lord of the vineyard, even until the bad had been cast away out of the vineyard, and the Lord had preserved unto himself that the trees had become again the natural fruit; and they became like unto one body; and the fruits were equal; and the Lord of the vineyard had preserved unto himself the natural fruit, which was most precious unto him from the beginning.

75 And it came to pass that when the Lord of the vineyard saw that his fruit was good, and that his vineyard was no more corrupt, he called up his servants, and said unto them: Behold, for this last time have we nourished my vineyard; and thou beholdest that I have done according to my will; and I have preserved the natural fruit, that it is good, even like as it was in the beginning. And blessed art thou; for because ye have been diligent in laboring with me in my vineyard, and have kept my commandments, and have brought unto me again the natural fruit, that my vineyard is no more corrupted, and the bad is cast away, behold ye shall have joy with me because of the fruit of my vineyard.

I also like these verses from the Doctrine and Covenants: D&C 81

3 Therefore, verily I acknowledge him and will bless him (YOU), and also thee, inasmuch as thou art faithful in counsel, in the office which I have appointed unto you (MISSIONARY), in prayer always, vocally and in thy heart, in public and in private, also in thy ministry in proclaiming the gospel in the land of the living, and among thy brethren.

4 And in doing these things thou wilt do the greatest good unto thy fellow beings, and wilt promote the glory of him who is your Lord.

5 Wherefore, be faithful; stand in the office which I have appointed unto you; succor the weak, lift up the hands which hang down, and strengthen the feeble knees.

6 And if thou art faithful unto the end thou shalt have a crown of immortality, and eternal life in the mansions which I have prepared in the house of my Father.

7 Behold, and lo, these are the words of Alpha and Omega, even Jesus Christ. Amen.

I hope these verses help you TY! I love you and pray for you every morning and night! Press forward with faith and courage, and I promise you that miracles will follow! Take care of yourself and I'm looking forward to speaking with you later today!

All my Love, 



Letter from Ty:

I loved all of this mom - thank you so much. Was much needed. We had a successful day yesterday, and yes, I will tell you about it later. Love you so much I'll be calling around 2 or 3 my time.

Letter from Blaine:

Hello Elder Milne,

We are here in New Mexico this weekend together. Carley and Carter came with your mom and Millie Friday night. I came down from Bloomfield after working there Thursday and Friday of last week. They didn’t get to Albuquerque until after 2am. I woke up at that time after hearing some noise in the lower floor of the house but figured it was them getting here.
I decided to go see them because the noises kept up.  I got downstairs to find Carley and Carter but no momma.  Millie was even there. They said your mom was at the ER after getting the fishing pole’s hook stuck in her foot. I was completely upended in disbelief. How could that happen? Well long story short, Carter and Carley went and got her at the ER around 4:30 am after the hook was removed.  She will send you a picture of that frightful injury.  What a trip for her.

Last night we went down to my practice at Celebrate dental and put Carley’s implant crown in.  It was nice to see her tooth go in. Your mom will send a picture of that too.

How are you doing?  I hope you are doing well. I hope you have been able to find meaning to your call to Newport Beach. I remember some of the most important words that have ever been spoken to me. Some of those words came from you. The time was when I walked into our home in Minnetonka, Minnesota in late January of 2011 after having totaled my car on that iced winter day being pushed up the interstate highway by a semi-tractor diesel truck.  There was no explanation why I escaped that horrific car accident without a scratch. I walked in the door with your mom after she came and got me at the car repair shop. You said these famous words, “Heavenly Father has a plan for you.” You were but 10 years old and in primary. Those were incredible words spoken to me.

You were right. God did have a plan for me. After all the effort to form a dental career it seemed at that time everything was a failure. I now had totaled two vehicles while living in Minnesota and now was never going to be an Oral Surgeon. I thought I had paid enough price to get the support from the staff there I needed to finish Oral Surgery, but I was wrong. I was going to now create a new life for my family. We ended up moving to St George and life changed for us all.

I bring this up because “Heavenly Father has a plan for you too.” I think perseverance on your mission is maybe Heavenly Father’s plan for you.  I think this might be the experience that can give you some identity and value to your life going forward.  I hope you feel the same way.

Got to go for now. Carter is doing home sacrament for us right now.



Letter from Ty:

Dad, thank you for thinking of me and reaching out. That's crazy on what happened to Mom - sure hope she’s okay! I am glad they were able to come down and spend some time with you! Happy that you are all having the sacrament. Dad i invite you to reflect on all that our savior has done for you. And make time this week for scripture study so you can be strengthened spiritually. It's awesome how you brought up the time in Minnesota, I was looking over my baptism picture today and saw my big grin with us dressed in white. I too thought about when I told you God had a plan for you. I'm so blessed to have you and our family. I am learning more everyday, and I've had some great spiritual experiences that have strengthened my testimony on that I need to be here. I will be training this upcoming transfer which is in 2 days, so I'm excited for that. Love you and appreciate your love and hard work. Have a great week!

Letter from Home:

Greetings Elder Milne!

How’s my favorite missionary today? I hope this finds you happy and well! I  on the road this morning with Carter, Carley, and Millie, heading back to Utah! We stayed in flagstaff last night. We had a fun weekend with dad, despite the fishhook incident- LOL! We had the Sacrament Sunday afternoon then had a nice Sunday dinner and dessert - chicken fettuccine Alfredo, salad, corn on the cob, watermelon, and garlic bread. We had that peach dessert you like with the ice cream, peaches, Carmel sauce, and biscotti cookies. We FaceTimed Dallin and Hayley and visited with them. They are doing really well. Kobe got a haircut. He looks so cute. We then headed to Flagstaff as dad gave Buster a bath.

Well, it looks like you’ve made it to your first transfer in your new mission, and it sounds like you’re staying in a threesome, but getting a brand new missionary that you’ll get to train. That is exciting. We will look forward to hearing all about it. It also sounds like you e got a lot of good things happening in your area - a baptism coming up and other people to teach; that is so awesome!

This past week I had a lot of therapy clients. I am learning so much, and I hope I’m helping my clients at least a little. Two things have stood out to me as I have encountered different people with different problems: 1. There is safety and happiness in keeping the commandments, and 2. The Atonement of Jesus Christ is real, and it provides hope and healing for all who will accept it. Many of the problems I witness are a direct result of not keeping the commandments. All choices, good and bad, have consequences. Many of my clients are dealing with the consequences that come from a series of poor choices either they or their loved ones have made. The saddest thing I see is how Innocent children are affected by the poor choices of their parents. However, there is healing that can occur. Bottom line is, we all are in need of the effects of Christ’s Atonement, and there is safety and happiness found in living the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Everyone needs to know this - this is why missionary work is so important. So much suffering can be erased by choosing to accept Christ and His gospel and by keeping His commandments!

We are so very blessed to have the knowledge we have and to be part of this great gathering of Israel. Enjoy the time you have to do this full-time.

Love you Ty! I can’t wait to talk to you today!


Letter from Ty:

Thank you for another great letter mom! I love you dearly, and I'm sure your clients love you and the spirit you bring. I'm glad everyone is doing well and y'all were able to spend time w dad! I am loving spreading the good word of the atonement to everyone and am looking forward for this upcoming transfer. Keep these coming - love it!

Photos from Home this week:


Unexpected Changes and a visit to the ER!

A lot happened this week... There were a lot of ups and downs. They had a really great discussion with the guy they met in the park last wee...